2 Weeks 2 prepared

Over the weekend I was talking with my wife’s aunt who lives in Northern California. Although she is in the thick of the California power cuts, she has not prepared for a power outage. When I asked her about it, she had no idea where to even begin, even though she has a high likelihood of losing power multiple times a year.

I can admit that seeing a list of items to buy, and actions to take can be very overwhelming, so much so that you don’t even do anything. So today I am announcing the first 2 Weeks 2 Prepared Challenge. Every 2 days I will post 1 thing to complete. In total there will be 7 items for this particular “challenge”.

Each item will be easy to accomplish, and as straightforward as I can make it. I realize that many people who read this blog are far beyond preparing for a minor power outage. But I also know that each one of you has someone like my aunt-in-law. This series is designed to be a resource for you to share with someone who you know needs it, even if they don’t know it themselves. Hopefully, taking small steps, we can all be a little more prepared for the unexpected.

Feel free to dive in below, after each day’s task is posted I will update the links below, so after this initial 2 weeks you will be able to find every item to complete here.

2 Weeks 2 Prepare – Power Outage

Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Day 7

Day 9

Day 11

Day 13

Wrap Up

Want to learn more? You have to look no further than our blog. Please comment on this series below! Do you want to see more challenges like this? Let us know!

2 Weeks 2 Prepare – Power Outage Prep for Beginners
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Alex T

Alex is a preparation minded stay at home Dad, blogger, and entrepreneur who wants to get the word out about thinking ahead, and taking personal responsibility for our actions (and inactions). Alex is a hopeful inventor, entrepreneur, devoted husband and father, and lives in the great state of Ohio.