The Story

Welcome to — My name is Alex, and I want to help you help yourself prepare for a disaster. This is not an ultra-survival, spend days in the wilderness with only a knife website. Nor is it a conspiracy, the government creates hurricanes for their own devices, website.

I made this website for parents who want to give their families the best chance at coming out of a disaster or evacuation scenario safe and well in body and mind.

I am like you, an ordinary, everyday American who wants one thing – to keep their family safe from harm and free from worry and anxiety.

But sometimes Life has other ideas.

Natural disasters and other emergencies happen. They are thrown at us and it is up to us to deal with them.

I want you to save your own a$$ if at all possible. FEMA agrees. They know they are not able to get to everyone who needs help during and after a disaster. Helping yourself means preparation, taking personal responsibility for all of the aspects of your life, and thinking for yourself.

Every week there is a headline of how a disaster has devastated a community. Too often you see families in the aftermath of a disaster left with nothing but the clothes on their backs, or a few items hastily thrown in a pillowcase.

Whether it is a wildfire, hurricane, volcanic eruption, flooding, or any number of other disasters that we could face, we owe it to our families to be as ready as possible. That means having bags packed and ready to go at all times should you have to evacuate. It also means learning and planning ahead of time. Disasters are not limited to those caused by Nature. Sudden job loss, basement flooding, and car accidents all can be disasters that you experience.

Save Your Ace was created so that you can be as ready as possible should an emergency affect your family.

We offer information through our Blog to get your thought process going, as well as pre-made Evacuation Packs for kids. These are filled with items you either a). Don’t have around your home OR b). Don’t want to buy a 10 or 100 pack of.

Potentially more valuable is a list of items that you need to add at home, which personalize your packs and let your child be a part of the process. That way, if a disaster ever strikes, they have some comfort to help them through it.

Our team is comprised of U.S. military veterans. We have been taught how to think in the most extreme circumstances, and we want you to have that information as well.

I hope gives you the tools you need to keep your family safe, together, and sane during an extreme situation.

Thank you for your support,


If you were wondering, here is Ace, my inspiration for being prepared.

If you have any questions or comments, we would love to hear from you! Please email us at, or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram for all of our latest information.